BiCi Events 2009
FRONTS: Project Busiiness Meeting (22-23 January 2009)
BiSS 2009: Bertinoro international Spring School (2-13 March 2009)
BWGD'09: Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (8-13 March 2009)
INFINT 2009: Bertinoro Workshop on Information Integration (15-20 March 2009)
BSB 2009: Third Bertinoro Systems Biology Workshop (29 March - 3 April 2009)
WPK 2009: Cryptographic Protocols and Public-Key Cryptography (24-29 May 2009)
ADS 2009: 4th Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (7-12 June 2009)
SWING 2009: 4th Bertinoro PhD School on Security of Wireless Networking (5-10 July 2009)
BERLUSCONI 2: Battery-Efficient, Robust, Lightweight, Ubiquitous Sensors for COst-effective Network Infrastructures (20-24 July 2009)
SENIOT: From Sensor Networks to Networked Intelligent Objects (26 July-1 August 2009)
Web Bar 2009: The 4th BiCi International PhD School on Advanced Retrieval and Web Mining Objects (31 August - 4 September 2009)
ScalPerf'09: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing (20-25 September 2009)
SCAM 2009: The 1st BiCi International PhD School on Computational Advertising and Modelling (21-25 September 2009)
RaTLoCC 2009: Workshop on Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics and Complexity (25-30 October 2009)
OSC 2009: 2nd International Workshop on Optical SuperComputing in Bertinoro (18-20 November 2009)
BWAG: Bertinoro Workshop on Algorithms and Graphs (6-11 December 2009)